Community Resources

Alabama Association for Persons in Supported Employment (AL-APSE)
AL-APSE serves as an advocate for Alabama's citizens with developmental disabilities and their families; to empower them with the knowledge and opportunity to make informed choices and exercise control over their own lives; and to create a climate for positive social change to enable them to be respected, independent and productive integrated members of society.

Alabama Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Alabama department responsible for services to individuals with mental retardation, substance abuse issues and mental illness. Website has information for families and individuals, with specific information on waiting list applications and community providers.

Alabama Early Intervention System
Alabama's Early Intervention System (AEIS) is a statewide system of services and supports for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. Any infant and toddler from birth to age three who has a qualifying diagnosis or a delay of 25% or more in their cognitive, physical, communication, social or adaptive development, and lives in Alabama is eligible for AEIS.
Contact Child Find at 1-800-543-3098 to refer a child.

Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network
Respite Care is temporary short-term relief for caregivers of individuals with special needs. If you are the caregiver of a child or adult with a disability or chronic illness, chances are you need a break. Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network list providers and other resources.

Children's Rehabilitation Service
CRS serves Alabama's children and youth with special needs from birth to age 21.
Services provided by CRS include:
Coordination of care
Education to enhance care skills and medical knowledge
Information and referral
Support, information, and opportunities for involvement for families and youth
Specialty evaluation clinics
Specialty Medical clinics
Huntsville office:
3000 Johnson St. Southwest
Huntsville, al 35805-5847
Phone: (256) 650-1701

The North Central Alabama Mental Retardation Authority is the single point of entry to the service delivery system for the Alabama Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. Information and referral services are provided to individuals with mental retardation/developmental disabilities in Morgan, Lawrence and Limestone Counties.
For more information, call 256-355-7315.

Saving Little Mending Hearts
These local mothers from our area found each other while at Children's Hospital have formed a support group for other parents in the area that have children with any type of heart problems. They have a package of information for new parents and also have a book available to help explain different heart conditions.
Decia Brown - Group Coordinator
(256) 686-0187
Dena Lee-Co Coordinator

Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Offers a continuum of services for individuals with developmental disabilities at home, in school and on the job. Services include Children's Rehabilitation Services, Vocational Services and Independent Living Services.
Phone: (334) 281-8780
Toll Free: ( 800) 441-7607

Local programs providing Early Intervention Services are:
The Centers for Developmentally Disabled of North Central Alabama (CDD,NCA), Inc. Contact Jaime or Joy at 355-7596 and The North Central Alabama Mental Retardation Authority (MRA), Inc. Contact Angie, Allison, or Jana at 355-7315.
Between these two providers they serve 4 local counties: Morgan, Madison, Lawrence and Limestone .
For Services in other counties in North Alabama please contact
Patrick M. Kelly
District Early Intervention Coordinator
Janet Clark
District Early Intervention Coordinator

Family Voices
Provides assistance to families of children and youth with special health care needs in a variety of ways. They encourage families to developmental individual partnerships with their children's care providers and to look for opportunities to impact systems change. Includes links to Alabama resources.

Morgan County Mental Health Center
The Morgan County Mental Health Center’s mission is to work for American’s mental health and victory over mental illness. Their goals include providing and promoting services and programs to meet the needs of individuals suffering from mental illness, to improve mental health and reduce conditions impeding the attainment and maintenance of mental health, and to educate the general public about mental health.

People First of Alabama
People First of Alabama is an organization comprised of individuals living with developmental disabilities in Alabama who prefer to take their dreams into their own hands. They are dedicated to strengthening their organization which is based on self-advocacy and the opportunity to make decisions and plan success for themselves.

United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville
United Cerebral Palsy’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities by minimizing the effects of cerebral palsy and 150 similar physical disabilities. The Huntsville, Alabama branch of UCP provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as educational and social services to 600 children in North Alabama.

Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities
Advocates for Alabama's citizens with developmental disabilities and their families. Grant information, resource information for families. Also provides funds for individuals with developmental disabilities, their family members or guardians to participate in conferences, training events, public forums and other activities.
For information on the consumer involvement fund, link to

Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) is part of the nationwide federally mandated protection and advocacy system. ADAP's mission is to provide quality, legally-based advocacy services to Alabamians with disabilities in order to protect, promote and expand their rights.
Phone: (205) 348-4928
Toll Free/TDD (800) 826-1675

Alabama Medicaid Agency
Medicaid is a state/federal program that pays for medical and long-term care services for low-income pregnant women, children, certain people on Medicare, disabled individuals and nursing home residents. Alabama Medicaid is the primary funding source for services for adults with mental retardation and related disabilities in Alabama.
For information on Alabama Home and Community-Based Waiver Services see:

Individual and Family Support Service
Purpose: to provide people with developmental disabilities and their families with several opportunities. Provides flexible funding; allows people and their families to decide for themselves what supports they really need and want; and gives people and their families real decision making power about the way supports are provided in their communities.
Individual and Family Support is a support program designed to bridge the gap between resources and unmet needs for individuals with development disabilities. Services may include guidance and assistance to find local resources to meet their everyday needs or financial support to purchase needed items such as specialized equipment, transportation, dental/medical care, etc. To apply for services in Morgan, Lawrence or Limestone Counties call (256)-355-7315.

United Way of Morgan County
The mission of the United Way of Morgan County is to be a leader with community and agency partners in providing for health and human needs. United Way of Morgan County has improved more lives in Decatur, Hartselle, Priceville, Trinity, Falkville, Danville, Lacey Spring, and Eva than any other human service agency. Each year, a United Way of Morgan County program reaches and assists one out of every 3 Morgan County residents.